Find Nearby Trips

Car on road from above

I’ve always been a bit of a wonderer.  I can just get into the car and drive, with the journey being as important as the destination.  But I think a bit of a “system” for finding nearby trips is needed to help with the wondering.  As I write this during the COVID pandemic, nearby trips […]

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Retirement Jobs From Home

Home office

For many an important part of the retirement life is not having to face the daily commute.  Luckily there are lots of ways to make some income that don’t involve leaving your home.  Like many retirement sources of income many are little businesses rather than traditional jobs.  Here are some to get you thinking. Ebay […]

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Emergency Information Document


Do You Have an Emergency Instructions Document? If not, you should! Most of us have someone we care about that will have to step in if we suddenly leave this world or become incapacitated. Put yourself in that person’s place. You want to make everything as easy as possible at that stressful time. In many […]

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