If you feel yourself getting bored for whatever reason a new hobby might be the answer. Before spending a ton of money and time on expensive gear why not consider some “guick setup” hobbies and see if you like them. Then if you do you can then go all in on the fancy accessories and gear! Here are some ideas to get you started.
Coin Collecting Using Pocket Change
Most people get started in coin collecting just looking at their pocket change or digging through the cushions in your sofa or your car seats. You can collect by year or just save whatever seems interesting. The point is you can do quite a bit without going out and buying expensive rare coins
Stamp Collecting Using Mail
I’m not an expert on stamp collecting but I assume you could start the same way as with coin collecting. I see at least three ways to get started:
- Cut the stamps off any mail you receive. With email and the Internet we get less regular snail mail then we use to but we still get some. Over time you can build up a collection.
- Have friends and relatives also save their stamps for you.
- Visit the post office and see what interesting stamps they have. Do this once a month and you have a good start to a collection.
For writing you just need a pen and paper, so you cannot get set up much faster than that! Obviously, a word processor makes things easier.
Nature Observing in Your Backyard
You might be surprised what you can find in your backyard or maybe a nearby park if you live in an apartment or the city. Start by identifying some of the trees and plants. Use your phone’s camera to take pictures of anything interesting, from animals and birds to rocks and trees.
I can’t draw to save myself, but you might be more talented! All you need is a pencil and paper. Maybe check on the Internet to find some beginners tutorials or courses.
Bird Watching
For bird watching all you really need is your eyes and some patience. Maybe dig out those binoculars sitting in the back of your closet. If you can manage to get close enough use your phone to take some pictures. Keep a journal of your findings.
You can start walking 30 seconds from now. Just put on some sneakers and head out the door. If the weather stinks start up that treadmill collecting dust in the corner. Or just grab an umbrella and short of a blizzard head off for that walk regardless of weather. In the beginning it is just about getting into a routine. Everyone knows the health and mental benefits of walking are numerous. Eventually start keeping track of your distance or maybe keep a journal of your wanderings.
Listening to Music
Most of us listen to music. It’s easy to turn this into a hobby by organizing your collection or possibly expanding your listening. Today’s streaming makes it easy to sample new artists and new kinds of music that you haven’t paid attention to before.
Photography (just grab your phone or old digital camera you have laying around)
With today’s technology anyone can be a photographer. Just grab your phone and justify that expensive phone’s camera. Or maybe you have an old digital camera lying around that just needs fresh batteries. With your computer’s software and inexpensive hard drives, it’s easy to store and clean up your photos. Have fun.
Short Trips Travel (just grab a local map)
I’ve written an article on this one but the basic idea is to grab a local map and draw a circle a few miles out from home. Pick out some towns within the circle and then hit the Internet. Look for parks, hiking trails, bike trails, historic sites, tours, and scenic overlooks within the circle. Then visit the sites you find. You might be surprised. Maybe take some pictures or keep a journal of your travels. It is good practice for when you decide to wander further in the future.
So, there are my ideas of “quick setup” hobbies to explore. What are your ideas?
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