Cars have always been popular and probably always will be. They are a source of all kinds of hobbies. Here are some ideas to start feeding your passion for all things cars.
Travel to Car Shows
There are all kinds of car shows and they are happening all over. There are new car shows at the convention centers in most larger cities. Car Clubs have local shows where members show their restored or “in process” projects. Keep a calendar and attend some shows. Local car enthusiasts love to talk about their cars and might even encourage pictures that you can collect.
Visit Car Dealers
If you can put up with salespeople visiting new car dealers can be fun to see what is new. Just be careful you don’t get the “bug” and drive one home sooner than you planned!.
Build Model Cars
Building models isn’t as popular as it used to be but can still be a great hobby. A quick search on Amazon or Ebay will reveal some possibilities. A model of some exotic car might be as close as most of us will get to the real thing!
Collect Old Car Related Items
This can take many forms. Almost any old car part is collected by somebody. And car related items are also popular like advertising signs, brochures, manuals, and even old magazine ads.
Make Your Car Great Again
Maybe you can’t afford that dream car yet so why not make your current vehicle as great as it can be. Clean it out. Give it a good waxing. Fix any minor items needing repair. It will make you feel better, and I swear cars run better when they are all cleaned up! It is like they know you care!
Start a Dream Car Savings Account
Maybe your dream car is sometime in the future. Why not start a separate savings account now. Just put in a few dollars whenever you can and watch your savings grow.
Fix Up an Old Car
This is what most people think of when they think “car buff.” Fixing up and restoring an old car can be extremely rewarding. It can be expensive but doesn’t have to be quite as bad if you buy a more common model, do much of the work yourself and have reasonable expectations. This is a great project for a retired person.
Visit Junk Yards with Old Cars
I got this idea from a series on the Internet called “Junk Yard Gems.” The idea is to visit junk yards and try to spot unusual or famous models. They may have seen better days but are still interesting. You might be able to combine this with collecting items as described above.
Collect License Plates
This one has been around for a while. People used to collect license plates from as many states as possible. You could also collect old or antique plates.
Go To Car Races
This one is obvious and there are many kinds. There is NASCAR with its huge following. There are drag races and local races of all kinds. Get out there and support all those local teams and drivers that put their soul (and a lot of cash) into their love of racing.
What are your ideas?