Most people will want to work some after they retire. Many will do it for additional income, but it also provides a source of purpose and social interaction. Today there are many more opportunities than even a few years ago. Below are some ideas to get you started.
Article Writer
Almost anyone with reasonable writing ability can write an article and these can be turned into another income stream. The Internet and most websites starve for quality content, and retired authors can help fill that need.
The difficult news is that there is a lot of competition out there that has really lowered payment rates for writers. The good news is that there is a huge need so if you can find a way to differentiate yourself there is still a demand with reasonable income.
Elder Babysitter
For many a babysitting gig was their first stab at making money. And you learned a lot from it. You had to be reliable and sell parents that you were responsible. Hopefully if you were good you got referrals.
The same principals hold true for elder babysitters. There are many older people being cared for by caregivers that need a little companionship and help. I have personal experience with this when I was caring for my out of state Dad. I spent as much time with him as possible but really appreciated it when I found someone to spend time with him a few days a week.
Consultant is one of those catch all phrases that can mean a lot of things. A Consultant might be somebody who builds basic web sites for $20 an hour, or a famous management consultant that charges $5000 an hour and is booked for months in advance!
Almost every retired person has knowledge of some subject, and if there is a demand for that knowledge an income stream as a consultant is a possibility. One misconception is that you need to be an expert in all areas of your subject. What you really need is just enough knowledge to be useful to others and to be honest about the limits to your knowledge.
Pet Sitter
People love their pets. When they are away they need to decide what to do. This is a real problem for them and an opportunity for retired people looking for income.
Some pets do fine when they are boarded at kennels. Others are more spoiled or don’t handle the noise and commotion of a kennel. This is where a pet sitter come in.
There are many different levels of pet sitting – everything from a single day to much longer periods of a month or more. Some sitters stay in the owner’s house. Others just visit a prearranged number of times during the day.
House Sitter
People with a nice home worry who will watch it when they are away. This presents an opportunity for another income stream for retired people.
House sitting mixes great with other income streams. You can write or do almost any activity over the Internet while you are house sitting.
Tour Guide
I often see Tour Guide mentioned as a part time gig for retired people. This makes perfect sense.
It helps to have knowledge and an interest in the subject of the tour, but after that there are many possibilities. Here are some:
- A museum guide
- A Historical Site guide
- A regional or national park guide
- Special events
- Your own tours business, based on your knowledge of an area
You see coaches of all kinds everywhere. Odds are if there is any part of your life you wish to change or improve there is a coach available to assist you. Retired people have a lot of life experience. Why not become a coach in an area you know. You can help someone and create an income stream for yourself at the same time.
To get an idea of coaching possibilities just search online and see the huge variety. Sometimes people just need a little organization, some encouragement, and accountability. Think about areas in your own life where you have been through a tough time and survived, or simply have a lot of experience. You might be a coach for that kind of problem or those wishing to improve their lives in those areas.
Contract Worker
This kind of job is usually full time for a set time period. It works great for retired people who may appreciate having time off in between jobs. It is common in the software development world. It can pay hourly or be a set amount for a set period of time.
This job is like a consultant. Normally although it is full time it doesn’t usually include any benefits. For this reason it should pay better than a full time job with benefits.
Seasonal Worker
This is almost like a contract worker except as the name implies the work changes with the seasons. Christmas help is the obvious thought here but there are seasonal workers needed for summer jobs like park workers, beach resort workers, etc. Even in winter there is a need for help at ski resorts and southern beach resorts to service all the vacation visitors from the north.
I’ve only scratched the surface of ways for retired people to make additional income. Find your own ways and maybe have some fun and make new friends in the process.