More Things to Do When You Are Bored

Bored Guy
Photo by Ekoate Nwaforlor on Unsplash

I enjoyed brainstorming my first “Things to Do When you are bored” list.  So, I decided to try it again and see what I could come up with.  Here we go.

Make Something Different to Eat

The variety of recipes out there is almost infinite.  Give something new a try.

Clean out the Refrigerator

You know it needs it!  Those little spills have a way of adding up and lasting forever.

Start a Collection

You probably have things laying around that you have thought about collecting.  Why not make it official and start a new hobby and see if it sticks.

Take An Inventory of Household Possessions

This is important for insurance reasons.  Even videos from your phone are helpful if stored in a safe place.

Fix Something That’s Broken

You know that broken something that is tucked away somewhere?  Why not grab some glue or whatever is needed and fix it?  Or if it is not fixable throw it out and clear up some space.

Use That Exercise Equipment That’s Gathering Dust

You know you should.  It is so good for you.

Play a Board Game

They are really fun.  Get away from the computer and give them a try.  You probably used to love board games and you can again!

Build a Card Castle

Most people have some old decks of cards laying around.  Build a card castle with them and let the kids or grandkids be amazed!

Set Up Dominos

See how big of a snake you can make and then have fun knocking them down.  Again, kids will love it.

Frame a Poster You Have Sitting Around

Most of us have an art poster or souvenir poster laying around still rolled up in a tube.  Find a way to hang them and add some color to your living areas.

Dig Up Something in the Basement or Closet and Use It.

If the something has been sitting there long enough it will be almost as fun as buying something new!

Build Something

Build something new, be it a stool, bookcase, or something bigger.  Use a kit or build from scratch depending on your ability.

Take a Photo of Something

Justify that expensive phone or digital camera and take some pictures.  If the photos are of people you’ll be glad you did years later.  Or just snap some photos in your backyard or around the neighborhood.

Count Your Penny Jar

Many of us save pennies in a big jar or can.  Aren’t you curious how much is in there?

Open a Savings Account for Something Special

Do it today, and make it separate from your “regular” savings account.  Designate it for a special vacation, dream car or whatever you like.

Buy One Dividend Stock

Some online services allow you to buy stocks for very small amounts of money.  Learn about dividend stocks and buy a share or two.  You’ll learn about passive income in the process.

Plant a Tree

Planting a tree is probably one of the best things you can do for our long-term environment.  Bonus if a child helps you.

Dig Up Space for a Small Garden or Prepare a Container Garden

You can do a regular garden or even a container garden in the city.  When the weather is right plant something and watch it grow.  Gardening has all kinds of benefits.

Find Some Websites Related to Your Hobby or Interest

Dig into your hobby and bookmark some useful websites.  Then visit them regularly to see what is new.

Update Your Resume

Everyone should do this at least once a year.  Bonus if you actually post it somewhere and see what happens.

Find a Useful New App for Your Computer or Phone

There are thousands of free and low-cost apps out there.  Find one that is actually useful to you.

Organize Your Bills and Receipts

I’m talking about the paper version that have a way of laying around all over.  Organize in folders or toss as is appropriate.

Dust Something

Nobody has enough time to dust as much as they would like.  So, if you’re really bored, take advantage of the time!

Learn to Sew on a Button

Everyone should learn how to sew on a button (I don’t but should!).  You never know when you will need the skill.

Send a Letter or Postcard to Someone

Skip Email and send a paper letter or postcard to someone.  It will be a pleasant surprise.

So, there is part two of my “What to do when bored” list.  Why not do your own part three and keep it somewhere for when you need it!

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