Lately I’ve been feeling kind of like my progress is blah. Nothing I do seems to be too meaningful and everything, even fun things just feel like additional tasks. So I decided to step back and look at what we have going for us as retired folks. And then look at our typical problems, and possible “no excuses” solutions.
What We Have Going For Us
More Time Than At Any Time In Life
We are supposedly at least partially retired (this article is being written for RetireReal after all!) I will fully admit that time seems to fly. Many times I remark to my wife “How can it be that late already?” So we should at least have more time than we did when we were working. Back then some boss or management dictated how you spent your time.
Now we have more control over how we spend our time. So let’s manage it better and use our time for our priorities.
Some Money Maybe, And Ability To Find More
Hopefully you have at least some savings and some Social Security coming in. And I’m well aware that circumstances may have made that savings much less than we wanted, or nothing at all!
But Social Security is something you didn’t get when you were younger, so it is a good base to start from. Some of us will need to work in some capacity to fill in the gaps as best we can. And that’s not all bad at all as studies show working helps your social connections and may even allow you to live longer.
In many parts of the world, and even in the US prior to the 1930s there was no retirement. Most worked their whole lives, not that I’m saying that was a good thing!
In today’s world many people work and start and run businesses into their 70s, 80s and beyond. I am inspired by all the older folks doing just that.
Some Wisdom
Hopefully as we get older we gain a little wisdom. We may have made many mistakes but hopefully we have learned from them. So we should in theory make a few less mistakes, waste less time, and generally be more efficient in how we do things.
We Have Minutes
Only God knows how long we will live. But we hopefully have some more minutes so let’s make the most of them.
Common Problems And The No Excuses Way To Address Them!
Not Enough Money
Make some – Get a Part Time job. Many businesses love hiring retired people, and many retired people actually enjoy the part time work. Start a small business. Many retired folks do!. For little bits of money sell something that you no longer need. Many of us have accumulated all kinds of “stuff” over the years.
Find hobbies. There are hundreds of possibilities. Do some research. Many are free or low cost and some might even turn into another source of income. Here are some articles to get you thinking:
Join something. For many of us our social connections revolved around work for most of our careers. Making new friends can be daunting. Try joining a club or volunteering with like minded people. And a part time job can help.
Lack of Goals
For much of our careers some boss or manager set many of our goals. Now it is time to set some of our own. There is lots of good information out there on how to set and achieve goals. Do some research and pick up a well reviewed book or two.
Lack of Skills
Learn some. What a great time to learn new things. The Internet has opened up so many opportunities. Many are free. Pick some classes or tutorials and get started.
Lack Of Time Left
Make the most of every minute. What can you do in the next two minutes that will have some lasting effect? Make a kind comment. Read a good quote. Write a thank you note.
I hope this article leaves you thinking. If you think you need a little kick in the butt, give it to yourself!
Wishing you the best in your efforts!
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