You know you sometimes just get in a funk. I mean you don’t feel like doing anything. Pushing the power button on the TV remote seems like a chore and you really don’t feel like watching TV anyway! You are BORED, for lack of a better term to describe the phenomena.
Well, the obvious cure is to start doing something, anything! It seems like once the wheels start turning you can keep them turning. You need to start something. Here are 25 ideas to hopefully get you started.
Read something.
Read anything, a book, a magazine, a poem.
Watch a really old movie. – I’m talking an old 50s Sci Fi or Western. Maybe a Humphrey Bogart classic.
Send an email to someone you haven’t talked to in a while.
Send an email to an old business acquaintance or friend.
Clean up your computer of old files and software. It is amazing how cluttered your computer gets with old programs, bookmarks, and useless files. Get rid of some of them.
After you get rid of the computer junk above start organizing what is left.
Make sure you have a good computer backup program in place. Everyone knows they should do this, but it has a way of being pushed back until disaster strikes.
Find an online course to take.
There are so many free and low-cost choices out there. There is no excuse not to keep educating yourself for your entire life.
Write something.
Write anything. Make a journal entry (or start a journal.) Write an article or start a book.
Read your bible or meditate in whatever spiritual way you choose. It will do you a lot of good and if you’re really in a funk it might help to get you out of it.
Organize your photos – computer or printed. You have hundreds or thousands – do something with them.
Take a walk. This could be a walk around the block or an all-day hike.
Take a drive to nowhere in particular.
See what is new in the next town over. Or maybe drive in a different direction than you ordinarily go.
Organize your Christmas decorations. Good to do even if it’s not near the holidays. Do it while you are not exhausted and rushed.
Clean out a drawer.
Drawers have a way of getting full of all kinds of junk. You might even find some loose change (see below.)
Clean out a closet. Pick a closet, any closet. Who knows what treasures you might find. Maybe donate some stuff you find or sell on Craigslist or Ebay for some extra cash.
Review your books and find some to donate to a library or second hand shop. I just did this just recently. I read a lot and rarely do I reread a novel twice. So, if it’s not a classic why not donate it.
Organize your music. If your music is scattered all over different devices and locations why not consolidate. You may have more than you think.
Find a new band or musician to listen to. The Internet and YouTube is great for this. Find something new or try a new style of music.
Listen to a podcast. Maybe listen to something different than you usually do.
Wash and wax your car. You and your car will feel better and it will help it last longer.
Clean out the garage. You know it needs it!
Clean out the basement. You know it really needs it!
Search around for loose change. And then if you don’t really need it donate it to a worthy cause.
Organize your desk to be more efficient. You know you are much more productive if you start with a clean organized working space.
Go to the dollar store and find 10 unusual $1 items. It’s amazing what you will find if you go up and down the aisles. And you can walk out with a haul of stuff for not much cash.
Now. why don’t you come up with more ideas!
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