Sometimes the weather just plain old stinks and no amount of wishful thinking will help. A gentle rain just might mean an umbrella and a walk in a light snowfall is great. But wind driven rain that turns your umbrella inside out or a blizzard at 5 below sort of limits your possibilities! So, what can you do when it rains?
Play A Game
You probably played a lot more games when you were younger. Well, they still can be great fun! For us nerdy types try a new computer game. These days you don’t even need to go to a store. With Steam and similar services most games are simply a download away. Some are even free if money is tight.
Board games are another alternative. They can be great fun. If the weather permits, and you can invite some people over, you’ll have a blast, and make and renew some friendships.
Work on a Project
You probably have some projects sitting around that either you should start, or started a while back and never finished. And I’m talking fun projects too. Do you have a half done craft project in the closet somewhere? Maybe some kind of project kit still sitting in the basement? Dig them out. Or start something new that you have been thinking about for a while.
Clean Basement
You know it needs it. Take advantage of the inclement weather to get it started.
Clean Garage
If it’s not too cold in the garage you know it really needs a good cleaning and organizing. Maybe you can even fit a car into it if you are successful!
Write an Article or Blog Post
Write an article or two. Start a blog if you don’t have one already or write something for the one you already have. Sometimes when the weather is bad outside you can focus on the writing and really make some progress.
Spend a few hours reading. You know you keep telling yourself you should read more. Now is your chance. Don’t have a book laying around? With EReader apps available for most devices even if you don’t already have a Kindle type device a new read is just a few clicks away.
Work on a Book
Did you always want to start a book? Today might be that day you start. Make an outline or do some research. Maybe you have a book you started a while back but never finished. Now might be the time to kick it into high gear!
Organize a Small Area
Do you want to do something a little more practical? Pick a drawer or closet. Then empty it out to start eliminating and organizing. It is amazing to me what accumulates in a drawer over time. You might find something you thought you lost a long time ago. You might find some items in the closet that you longer want. You can donate the items or sell them on Craigslist or Ebay for a little cash.
Work on a Hobby
Today is the perfect time to get back to that personal hobby, whatever it may be. Take advantage of the time indoors.
Clean or Maintain Something
We all have belongings that should be maintained and cleaned. Maybe something needs oiling. Possibly you can use some glue to fix a broken something. (or you can finally decide it can’t be fixed and toss it.)
However you use your time during bad weather you might find it becomes one of your most productive days. Most times you just need to get up from the TV and get moving. Have fun!
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