Everyone knows walking is good for you. Almost everyone can walk without risk of injury or danger of doing too much. If you have any doubts at all talk to your doctor. They probably will encourage you. Here are some ideas.
Park in the Back of Parking Lots
This one has been around for a while, but it really does make sense Those extra steps add up. And the side advantage is that it is less likely your car will get dinged from other cars doors or shopping carts.
Take the Stairs Instead of Elevator
OK, so this one is more than just walking and has also been around for a while. This one is supposed to be really good for your heart. Just don’t overdo it by starting with 20 flights of stairs!
Some people even make a practice of this one by purposely going up and down the stairs at some set time each day. Again, if you don’t overdo it I imagine it would be great for you.
Walk to Pick Up Sunday Paper
For me the closest place to pick up the paper is about a mile away. I used to take the walk regularly, although I admit I do most of my walking these days on a treadmill. Maybe I should reconsider.
Drive to a Park and Take a Walk
This one accomplishes a few purposes at once. The walking is good for you. Getting to a quiet place and in a little nature is good to reduce stress and give you time to think. For those in a city you may be able to walk to a park. The rest of us may have to drive a little.
Drive to a Further Away Park and Take a Hike
Many state and county parks have great hiking trails. Here you can really do some walking. If you haven’t hiked in a while stick to easy and moderate trails. Again, the hiking is a great stress reliever.
Take the Dog for a Walk Around the Block
This is one of the reasons a pet is good for you. Your dog will probably love it so much they will try to drag you out every day. It may take a little effort (of the dog and you,) but is well worth it!
Mow the Lawn Yourself
Get some walking, some exercise, and save some money in the process. Those landscaping services can get expensive.
Offer to Mow an Elderly Neighbor’s Lawn
This is an even better idea. The neighbor will really appreciate it and you will feel good inside.
Take the Dog to a Park and Take Him for a Walk
Think your dog loves a walk around the block? They will really love going to a park for a walk. Great new smells to explore and maybe even meetups with other dog friends. And you might make some friends too! Dog people are generally good people, and dog people usually get along well with other dog people.
Volunteer for Some Local Trail Cleanup
With budget cuts many trails depend on volunteers to keep trails open, litter free and well maintained. Make some inquires and you will probably find a group you can join. Or if there isn’t a group why not start one? Sometimes people just need someone to take the initiative and they will agree to help.
There are so many ideas. What are yours?
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