10 Volunteer Ideas

There are hundreds, if not thousands of volunteer organizations that are desperate for your time and experience.  Retirement is a good time to give back a little to the world around you.  There are also obvious benefits for you.  Volunteering keeps your mind active, gives you another purpose in life, and keeps you in contact with other human beings.  All of those things have been identified as necessary to a healthy and fulfilling retirement.

Below are a few volunteer ideas to get you started.  Hopefully they will jog your brain to think of many more possibilities.

Your church

If you belong to a church you may have wished you could have helped out more earlier in life.  Retirement may be a time when you have more time and less responsibilities and you can now help.  Even if you don’t belong to a church local churches may provide opportunities.  For example in my home town a local church runs a food bank, and they are always looking for help.

The Peace Corp

Ever since the days of John Kennedy people think of the Peace Corp when they think of volunteering.  Retired people in the Peace Corp are becoming more common, and there is even a program called the Peace Corp 50+ Initiative that seeks to recruit retired volunteers.


Animal Shelters always have a need for volunteers.  If you love animals then volunteering in an animal shelter may be just your thing.

Your local library

Do you like to read?  Libraries are changing but they still need volunteers for everything from caring for books to keeping their computers running.  Many run special presentation programs and are looking for new ideas and people to make the presentations.

Salvation Army

The Salvation Army has a need for lots of people beyond those Santas ringing the bells.  Their website says they had 3.4 million volunteers in 2012.  I am sure they have room for one more!

Meals on Wheels

These programs deliver meals to senior citizens and others who may have difficulty making all their own meals.  Some are free and some charge a reasonable fee, but they all need volunteers.  I have personal experience here.  My Dad and Step Mom used a service a few years ago.  Both were in their nineties and they lived a couple hours away.  I was very grateful that I knew they were being delivered at least one good hot meal every day.

Red Cross

The Red Cross website says that 94% of their work is performed by volunteers.  With all the recent natural disasters they certainly need lots of volunteers.

National and State parks

If you like the outdoors then volunteering in nearby state and national parks may be the way to go.

Habitat for Humanity

What a worthwhile organization!  Can you swing a hammer or carry a two by four?  Their website shows all kinds of opportunities.

Your Own Cause

Last but not least do you have a cause you care about?  Is there a need where you think you could help?  Are you a good organizer and can you start a small organization around your cause?  You can probably start small with just a few friends.

How will you volunteer?

So how will you volunteer?  We’ll explore many other possibilities in future articles.

Until next time…