Two Years Into Retirement

Guys Playing Chess
Photo by Vlad Sargu on Unsplash

I retired from my 29 year job on May 1,2020.  Yes, I managed to retire right into a pandemic.

How Retirement Happened

After starting my career in banking I switched over to the software side of things because of my love of computers and software.  I ended up at the same company for 29 years.  It started as a fairly small company where everyone knew everyone and we had direct contact with the owners.  Unfortunately it was eventually bought out by a big corporation that got bigger and bigger.  As with most big companies there was constant cost cutting and layoffs as well as a shift to as much offshoring as possible.  I probably stayed around longer than I should but the saving grace was many of the people I started out with stayed together and things were mostly tolerable within the group I managed.

I planned on retiring somewhere around the age of 68.  However the company offered a buyout of sorts to people over 60.  It wasn’t anything too great financially but more layoffs were looming so I took it.  One good thing was that I could delay my last date several months which would take me close to my Social Security full retirement age of 66.  I calculated between Social Security, savings, and probably a part time job we would be OK.

So Much Has Happened

I told my retirement story in another post here.  The short version is I retired into the start of a pandemic.  The last six weeks of my career were spent managing my team remotely.  My retirement party was on Zoom.  Travel was out and even a part time job was risky as I fall into a high risk category.

What I Learned

Time Goes Really Fast

You would think with finally having all that extra time on your hands time would go slower.  After all, you aren’t spending most of your working hours working or commuting.

But time does seem to go even faster, at least for me.  Maybe that’s because I have things I really want to get done and my days are pretty full.  There still always seems to be never enough time!

Some Little Things Are Really Cool

I really love not going into work on Monday mornings.  Monday is just another day.

I like going to stores at off peak hours when they are less crowded.  I avoid stores on the weekends like the plague!

I like being able to escape to our little travel trailer in the country whenever we want.

Some Things Are Harder Than Expected

Money goes faster than expected.  I did lots of planning with budget spreadsheets and financial calculators.  It is all the unexpected expenses that surprise you.

I miss my friends from when I worked.  Many of them I knew for over 20 years and even though we try to stay in touch it’s never the same.

Health problems do start popping up.  I’m very grateful that nothing too serious has appeared but it’s more than it used to be and I know as I age it will probably get worse.

Some Things Are Easier Than Expected.

I worried about what I would do with myself all day.  But I’ve kept pretty busy between my interests in writing, building websites, programming, and other “nerdy” activities.  And I read much more than I did before.

I was afraid I would spend too much time in front of the TV.  That hasn’t happened and in fact I find TV kind of boring these days.  There are so many more interesting things to do.

So, the bottom line is retirement has been different than expected but still pretty good.  And I have more plans that may make traditional retirement almost obsolete anyway.

For those of you that are retired what have been your surprises?

10 Easy Health Changes

Big colorful salad
Photo by Nadine Primeau on Unsplash

Walk daily

This one is probably the easiest and yet the most beneficial.  Walking is just so good for you.  There are physical and mental benefits.  Try different routes outside or invest in a treadmill.  A treadmill takes away the excuse of poor weather!  Just do it!

Park In Back Of Lot

This one is mentioned often but really is true.  It has the added benefit of lessening the possibility of your car getting those nasty shopping cart dings.

Eat A Little Less

I’ve been trying to practice this one myself lately.  It is not a full fledged diet, but those few less calories can add up over time.  I’ve found that once you get in the habit it gets easier.  I read somewhere that it takes a while for your  brain to catch up with what is going on in your stomach.  This means that when you stop eating a little before you feel full you will probably feel full anyway in just a few minutes!

More Fruit, Less Sugar Desserts

You have always been given this advice, and the advice is good.  Experiment and find what works for you.  My favorites have become organic blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and Fuji apples (they are very sweet!)  Give it a try.

Read On Treadmill

This one has become a habit for me.  Some people like music or watching tv, but I’ve found the time flies when I read.  Sometimes I even end up doing extra time when I’m trying to finish a chapter or reading an especially exciting passage.

Eat Less Carbs

This is another area that can be a big help even if you’re not on a real diet.  It is generally understood that eating too many white carbs  is not good for you.  Unfortunately, today’s foods are often full of exactly that.  Besides cutting back on whote carbs there are some carbs that are better for you.  For example brown rice is better than white rice.  Do some research.  There is lots of good information out there if we bother to pay attention to it.

More Salad

This is another of the more obvious ones but we all know those greens are great for you.  There is so much variety available and it’s easy with prepackaged lettuces and spinach.  Go for it but pay attention to that dressing!  (see below)

Find Low Calorie Salad Dressing

The dressing can make a salad into the equivalent of a not so healthy dessert.  Just look at the calories and fat on the label.  And that is usually for only one or two tablespoons, and who uses that little amount?  I’ve fought this one myself forever; I love my Blue Cheese dressing!  And I’ve found that low calorie versions just don’t taste that great.  What I have found is good is simply to drizzle on a little olive oil and apple cider vinegar.  It doesn’t take much.  But I still allow myself Blue Cheese once in a while!

Go To Bed Fairly Early

Some people are night owls, and if that works for you, great.  However most of us need our seven or eight hours.  Start skimping and all kinds of problems can develop.  Also most people are most productive early in the morning, so a reasonable bedtime is very beneficial.

Learn Breathing Exercises

This was a new one for me.  I only learned the benefits recently.  Give it a try to help with all kinds of things, from lowering blood pressure a little, to reducing the possibility of a panic attack.

What ideas do you have?

Being Crazy At 70, 80, and Beyond

Seniors at Beach Viewing Ocean
Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

I’m not 70 yet, but I’m close enough to start thinking about it.  And I really don’t want to think life gets boring at 70 and beyond.  As long as we’re alive and kicking we want life to be interesting and productive.

We all admire those older folks that do things that are a little uncommon for their age.  Think about the 90 year old that gets their college degree.  Or the famous artist that didn’t start until her mid 70s.  I just read about an 80 year old that still hikes up and down mountains on a daily basis.  Some even have the audacity to start a business!

So What is Crazy Anyway?

While things are slowly changing, being crazy just means doing things the world doesn’t expect at your age.  It is still assumed that you shouldn’t do certain things beyond some predefined age.  Just tell someone you have retired.  They assume you mean you have hit the stop button.  No more work.  No more adventure.  No more purpose or productivity.

Crazy is Good

I’d like to propose that crazy is good!  If you retire it just means you are moving to a new phase in life.  You can do most anything you want.  Yes, you may be slowing a bit physically, but you more than make up for it in wisdom.  And you have seen it all before, so you can be a little eccentric, a little different, and yes, a little crazy!

Crazy is Healthy

Crazy keeps your brain sharp.  Most evidence now points to a “use it or lose it” reality as we age.  This is especially true for your brain health.  And physically, while you can’t do the same things at 80 that you did at 20, you probably can do more than you think.  You see examples every day.  I have an uncle that ran marathons well into his 80s.  He did admit that around 85 he did start doing more walking than running!

The World Needs Your Craziness

There are so many examples of older folks making major contributions to society.  Many doctors practice until a very advanced age.  I read about one Japanese doctor that still practices every day despite being over 100.  Writers and artists often do some of their best work after 80.  And while you can argue about politicians making contributions to society, many stay active well into their 80s.  Look at Jimmy Carter and his work with Habitat for Humanity.

So How Can You Be Crazy?

You don’t have to run marathons or save the world to be a little crazy (although who knows what is possible until you try!)  Here are some ideas to get you thinking.

Keep Moving

This one helps make everything else more possible.  Move however you can.  Walk, swim, bicycle, or run as you are able

Be the oldest walking in a marathon or start a group of older gym rats!  Anybody up for softball or touch football where the only requirement is being over 70?

Learn Stuff

There are so many opportunities to learn stuff these days.  Many colleges allow seniors to attend classes for free or low cost.  And the Internet has near infinite possibilities.

Teach Stuff

You know a lot.  Give others the benefit of that knowledge.  You can teach formal classes or maybe make use of a more informal setting like a community center.  You can even learn to create your own online courses. 

Go Places

Go more places than you ever thought possible.  Go somewhere unusual or use an alternative means of transportation.  If you have always driven places try taking the train, a plane or even the bus.  If you fancy foreign travel go somewhere unusual, or spend a little more time than the average tourist.

Read Voraciously

Read, read, read.  It will keep you sharp and make you a more interesting person to be around.  It will give you ideas and help keep your brain sharp. Read what others have done in their “older” years.

Start a Blog

Everyone has a story to tell.  A blog makes it possible.  And even if few people read what you write it is good for you personally.

Write Articles and Books

I cannot overemphasize how helpful writing has been to me.  It can be for you too so give a try.

How will you be just a little crazy?